Wednesday 12 October 2011

Backstreet Boys- Downpour

"I wanna feel the rain again. I wanna feel the water on my skin.
And let it all just wash away. In downpour, I wanna feel the rain."
                                 Backstreet Boys

This is one snatch coming from Backstreet Boy's song, Downpour.
This song talks about disappointment in love by using rain as a metaphor. It seems that rain purifies a deep scar of disappointment of love and I am strongly in favor of this snatch. Sometime rain is utilized as an example of lost love. It is easy to connect disappointment in love and rain but actually this connection is not quite obvious. I think the ability to associate something with something is necessary to write a poem and this idea might have a bearing on "an imaginative awareness of experience." In next publishing, I would like to try a poem.

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