Saturday, 8 October 2011

What makes I me?- What I do

"It is not who I am underneath, but what I do defines me."  

What is the exact factor to define me? In most cases, people always tend to define him by only looking at his appearance. However, this manner is superficial and can not see through the real intention. So... how can we figure out his real characteristic? I found out one clue to this question from the quotation above. It comes from a movie, Batman Begins. The quotation above claims that it is difficult to figure out what he is apparently but real intention looms as his behavior. I think his word makes sense in order to answer my question. It seems that what we do is the result of what we think or what we experience. In this logic, it's reasonable to say what I do defines me. 
Movies sometimes answers my question like this and I strongly suggest watching movies for not only fun but also study.

1 comment:

  1. "What I do defines me".... I can strongly agree with it. Sometimes we can see one's personality through watching his behavior. It also seems to be a superficial judgment. But if the word is true, it may be the easiest way to define one's personality. Conversely, it can be said my behavior is also judged by others to find out what I am. I must be careful of what I
